Changes associated with this release include the following:
* Added support for foreign key constraints. Foreign key constraints are disabled by default. Use the foreign_keys pragma to turn them on.
* Generalized the IS and IS NOT operators to take arbitrary expressions on their right-hand side.
* The TCL Interface has been enhanced to use the Non-Recursive Engine (NRE) interface to the TCL interpreter when linked against TCL 8.6 or later.
* Fix a bug introduced in 3.6.18 that can lead to a segfault when an attempt is made to write on a read-only database.
* Added support for foreign key constraints. Foreign key constraints are disabled by default. Use the foreign_keys pragma to turn them on.
* Generalized the IS and IS NOT operators to take arbitrary expressions on their right-hand side.
* The TCL Interface has been enhanced to use the Non-Recursive Engine (NRE) interface to the TCL interpreter when linked against TCL 8.6 or later.
* Fix a bug introduced in 3.6.18 that can lead to a segfault when an attempt is made to write on a read-only database.
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