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Code maker program Delphi7
Code maker program Delphi7
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Code maker program or code maker app
It was created to help every novice programmer in the field of programming, especially in creating applications that deal with
With databases, it is currently focused on databases of the type Access 2007 and above and below, and if circumstances help me
I will develop it, God willing.
I will put the source code, the script and the application together for the Delphi programmers to see it.
The code source is the script made in Delphi 7 from Borland I think this is an old version of Borland I think it was released 2002
I also ask the brothers, Delphi programmers, to alert me to the errors that they discover in the source code.
And every programmer can develop or modify it and it is not for trading. It is a free and charitable project.
It was programmed by one of the Algerian programming enthusiasts.
يجب تنزيل هذا الملف اولا لكي تستطيع فهم عمل البرنامج بشكل صحيح
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Make Code pdf.rar
Code Source.rar
Code maker program or code maker app
It was created to help every novice programmer in the field of programming, especially in creating applications that deal with
With databases, it is currently focused on databases of the type Access 2007 and above and below, and if circumstances help me
I will develop it, God willing.
I will put the source code, the script and the application together for the Delphi programmers to see it.
The code source is the script made in Delphi 7 from Borland I think this is an old version of Borland I think it was released 2002
I also ask the brothers, Delphi programmers, to alert me to the errors that they discover in the source code.
And every programmer can develop or modify it and it is not for trading. It is a free and charitable project.
It was programmed by one of the Algerian programming enthusiasts.
يجب تنزيل هذا الملف اولا لكي تستطيع فهم عمل البرنامج بشكل صحيح
Vous devez d'abord télécharger ce fichier afin de pouvoir comprendre correctement le fonctionnement du programme
Make Code pdf.rar
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